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Meaningless? (Ecclesiastes 12)


This Lord’s Day is also the last day of the year. Known commonly as, “New Years Eve”. New Year’s Eve is full of tradition: staying up late, celebrating with family and friends, watching the ball drop, making resolutions, etc. But at our New Years Eve parties, there’s one guest that is very unwelcome: Death. In fact, death is a reality we prefer to avoid every day of the year, and at all costs. However, Scripture teaches us that it is foolish to ignore our mortality, and that wisdom is bound up in our willingness to number our days (Psalm 90:12).

And so this New Years Eve, we are going to look together at Ecclesiastes chapter 12, which is written to be a funeral song for the reader. In Ecclesiastes 12, Solomon has invited us to attend our own funeral. But even as we walk into the shadow of our own tomb for such a Biblical meditation, we find that the Lord Jesus Christ is already there, prepared to roll away the stone and speak our names.

This Morning's Text

Sermon Audio

Below you will find the sermon audio from Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Traverse City, MI. If you find yourself returning to our sermons frequently, you may want to subscribe to our podcast in your favorite player. (Such as Spotify, Pocket Casts, Google Podcasts, Amazon)

Service Video

Below is the video of the entire service.

Weekly Bulletin

Download the bulletin here:

You Are Welcome

If you are visiting the Traverse City area, or live nearby and do not have a church home, we welcome you to join us this Sunday!

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